Tlowana Water division offers a wide range of technical services solutions for water and wastewater treatment applications. Our team of experts helps clients achieve water and wastewater related efficiency, compliance and sustainable business objectives. Key offerings include:
- Water quality assessment for turnkey design and implementation and
- Technical services for water and wastewater treatment and
- Supply of relevant technologies and chemicals for water treatment.
Tlowana Resources shall endeavour to execute the water treatment program in accordance with world best practices, with a focus on sustainability, optimizing total process treatment costs, plant and equipment efficiencies and maintenance costs. Our integrated water treatment program approach includes:
- Supply of water treatment chemicals
- Propose method of chemical dosing
- Supply of dosing and monitoring equipment to be utilized
- Propose system monitoring and measurement for optimal treatment programmes
- Propose performance measurements and optimization opportunities
- Water chemistry analysis
- On-going technical advisory services
- Provide training to operating personnel if the need arises
- Project and contract management